As we strive to make disciples who make disciples, we want to provide opportunities for you to grow as a disciple. This is the focus of our Growth Classes. They cover a range of different areas of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Below you can see our current classes.

Join us at 10:30am on Sundays in room 202 as we explore the New Testament book of James.


Discovering My Ministry is a class to help you understand how God has uniquely created you to serve Him. Then the class works to help you discover how that uniqueness will find fruitfulness and fulfillment in serving God here at TCC. You can register for the class here or call the church office at (937) 335-8731 for more details or to register. 

Join us for this class at 10:30am on September 8th and 15th in room 206.

Starting Point is a class for those who are new to TCC. In it, we talk about what makes us unique, why we do things the way we do, our mission and how we pursue it, what we believe, and a lot more. We also offer an opportunity to ask questions people may have.
This class will meet in room 206 at 10:30am on the Sundays of September 22nd and 29th and October 6th. You can sign up for the class here or call the church office at 937-335-8731 for more details or to register.


Out of the Cave - How Elijah Embraced God’s Hope When Darkness Was All He Could Use

The prophet Elijah had just experienced a great victory over the prophets of Baal. But it only took a death threat from a wicked queen to send him running for his life into the wilderness. It was there, while hiding out in a dark cave, that he fell into a state of depression. This study will explore the story of the prophet Elijah to reveal how everyone is susceptible to depression. Even when we’re walking closely with God, we can still stumble and get lost in the wilderness of tangled emotions. But Elijah’s story reveals that we don’t have to stay there! We serve a God who meets us in the darkness. We will examine the causes of depression, and the factors that contribute to it and will offer you a biblical approach to wellness…mind, body, and soul.

Join us at 9am on Sundays in room 202.